1. Payment
a. A booking deposit of 25% – 50% of the total balance is required to secure your event (varies per venue). The remaining balance must be paid in full at least 30 days before your event (varies per venue). Failure to do so may result in cancellation at the manager’s discretion. In addition to the booking deposit of the total balance required to secure an event, some sites require a security deposit which will be taken as security against any losses or expenses incurred by the company, as well any damage to any part of the venue, property or equipment. Security deposits will be returned after the hire via cheque provided there are no accidental or deliberate breakages or accidents and the function space(s) are left as they were provided as per SLM contract standards.
b. Functions booked within 30 days of the actual function date will need to be paid in full at the time of initial booking, along with the security deposit (if applicable).
c. SLM will charge an additional fee for any damage caused (accidental or deliberate) by event attendees and / or participants in order to repair or replace items along with an administration fee. Any additional repair or necessary replacement undertaken by SLM as a result of the event shall be deducted from the security deposit (if applicable), or, if the value the repair or replacement exceeds the security deposit amount or no security deposit was taken, SLM will invoice the hirer for the costs which must be paid within 15 days. If a debt collection agent is used to recoup money owed to SLM then the client will be charged for the agent fees.
d. Everyone Active reserves the right to amend and review prices.
2. Refunds and cancellations
a. Application for refunds must be made in writing to the Events Manager stating the details of the refund request and proof of purchase where appropriate.
b. No credits are available.
3. Cancellation by SLM
a. SLM may cancel or terminate an event with immediate effect if there is significant omission from or a misstatement in the booking process by the hirer, if the premises are hired or used for any purposes which has not been approved by SLM or if there is any breach of these terms and conditions which the hirer fails to remedy within the timescale reasonably required by the events manager. In such instance the total venue fee will be forfeited and the hirer shall be liable for any costs, expenses and losses incurred by SLM. SLM will not be responsible for expenditure undertaken or loss incurred by the Hirer in connection with a cancellation or termination.
b. SLM shall not be liable to any hirer for any failure in whole or in part to provide the facilities or access to the venue or for any delay in providing the same, or for any interruption of the event due to any circumstance which is beyond our reasonable control. No refund in whole or in part shall be due in respect of such failure, delay or interruption. Consequently the hirer is strongly advised to obtain cancellation/delay insurance to cover such eventuality.
4. Cancellation by the hirer
a. The booking deposit is non-refundable. If the hirer cancels the event prior to the balance due date – which varies per site and will be advised by the Events Manager – the remaining fee and any extra costs will not be charged, thereafter hirers will still be required to pay the full amount for the booking.
b. In the event of any cancellation or termination by the hirer for any reason, no liability shall fall upon SLM in respect of any loss sustained or expenses incurred by the hirer or any other person as a result thereof. The hirer is advised to insure against such loss.
c. In the instance of force majeure – for example a riot, civil commotion, national emergency, prohibition, governmental regulation, flood, fire or war – neither party shall be responsible for failure to carry out any of its duties under this agreement.
5. Hirer’s responsibilities
a. SLM cannot under any circumstances accept responsibility or liability for any damage or loss to any property or items left on the premises by the hirer or any event attendee. SLM colleagues are not authorised to accept responsibility for the safe keeping of any money or goods. Any articles found, including items left in lockers at the end of the day, will be removed. Clothing left in cubicles will be removed to lost property. Items are kept for one month before disposal. The hirer must communicate this to all attendees.
b. All rubbish, food, equipment, decoration and furniture brought on site by the hirer, any contractor or agent must be removed from the facility before the agreed exit time, except with the prior written consent of SLM. Failure to do so will result in loss of the refundable deposit. Items not collected on or before the following morning will be removed from the premises.
c. SLM seeks to maintain high standards throughout its facilities and expects all users and hirers to contribute to this. All hirers will be held responsible for any damage caused by event attendees, participants, contractors or suppliers. The hirer must ensure that all attendees and participants abide by SLM standards and rules.
d. The hirer must ensure that all event attendees and participants show consideration towards local residents living near the centre – particularlyduring the evening – and members.
e. The hirer understands that by law no smoking or vaping is permitted anywhere inside and is responsible for ensuring that attendees, contractors and spectators abide by this.
f. The hirer must ensure that suitably qualified persons appropriate to the activity shall be in attendance at all times. Copies of qualifications
must be shared with SLM at the point of booking.
g. All areas shall be left clean, tidy, free from damage and in the condition in which they were provided. Any additional cleaning, waste removal, repair or necessary replacement undertaken by SLM to return the venue or facilities back to the condition in which they were provided
shall be charged back to the hirer and payable within 15 days. SLM reserves the right to make deductions from deposits to cover such costs.
h. Set up and down of equipment will be undertaken during your hire time. In the case of running over the contracted timings, full hire rate will be charged by the hour until the booking concludes and will be sent via invoice after the event.
i. The hirer is responsible for arranging and obtaining written permission from those wishing to take photographs and videos at event. Photograph and videos for professional use and publication are only permitted with prior written consent of the Events Manager.
j. The hirer shall not grant sound, television broadcasting or filming rights without prior conditional consent from the events manager.
k. Any accident, injury or damage must be reported to the events manager immediately.
l. You are responsible for ensuring that the events manager has all the relevant information for your booking on time. Any information not given to the events manager in advance of your booking may result in cancellation at the manager’s discretion.
m. If applicable, the hirer must provide adequate staff for issuing and receiving tickets at the event entrance.
6. Rules and regulations of use
a. Your enquiry is only confirmed once you’ve completed, signed and returned the event booking form, paid the deposit and received written confirmation from the venue.
b. Acceptance of your booking does not guarantee further bookings.
c. SLM reserves the right to enter any part of the facility at any time with or without a third party and without stating a reason.
d. Unless expressly stated in the event booking form the hirer shall not have exclusive access to the venue during the event and SLM may hire facilities to other individuals or make use itself of any underused or unused areas within the venue at its discretion.
e. All hirers must supervise participants and guests at all times.
f. The hirer shall not engage third party contractors for an event without first obtaining the prior written consent of SLM. The hirer acknowledges that SLM may impose conditions in the engagement of third party contractors.
g. SIA security may be required for ticketed or open public events and is an additional charge. The venue will provide details on their recommended security provider. Failure to provide SIA security may result in cancellation at the manager’s discretion.
h. All professional and semi-professional boxing matches must be fully licensed by the relevant boxing board of control. Proof must be provided to the venue at least 14 days prior to the event date.
i. The centre does have a Public Entertainment License, a copy of which is on display.
7. Health and safety
a. The hirer is responsible for providing evidence of their insurance cover (covering £5,000,000 as standard but £10,000,000 depending on the event at the manager’s discretion) with a reputable insurer and risk assessment(s) – including your COVID-19 control measures – together with that of any
exhibitor, contractor, supplier, performer or caterer whom they have instructed / authorised to appear / attend the event. Public liability insurance must be in place for the entire event with no onerous exclusions with regard to damage to property or possessions. For clarity, this is not a limit on
liability, only an indication of the minimum of insurance level required. All documentation must be provided at least 14 days before the event. Failure to comply may result in cancellation with no refund at the manager’s discretion.
b. The hirer is responsible for implementing a track and trace system at the event. Records must be held for 21 days.
c. No equipment or substances shall be brought onto site without prior permission of the events manager. Any electrical equipment brought on to the site must be PAT tested in advance to ensure that is electrically
safe. All electrical certifications and COSHH sheets will need to be supplied prior to permission being given. Any equipment found in the opinion of an SLM colleague not be safe cannot be used.
d. Set up plans and method statements must be provided at least 14 days before an event. No structural or other alterations shall be made to the fabric of the building or any furniture fixture or fittings without written permission from the events manager.
e. The hirer shall inform SLM in writing immediately on becoming aware of any accident or other event which SLM is required to notify its insurers and provide ongoing assistance in dealing with any such claim.
f. Fire exits must not be obstructed and not used as a method of entry. For events attracting large spectator numbers, the maximum numberspermitted will be set by SLM in accordance with the site Fire RiskAssessment and Operating Procedures.
g. If the fire alarm sounds at the centre the hirer must ensure all participants, attendees and spectators immediately leave the centre by the nearest available exit, meet at the designated meeting point and comply with directions from SLM colleagues.
h. No gas canisters or open flame are permitted on site.
i. Young people under eight years old must be supervised by a parent or adult over the age of 18 at all times. Children under eight may change in the changing room of their accompanying parent or adult, whether male or female. Under 16s are not allowed into the facility after 20:00 unless
accompanied by an adult or taking part in an activity.
j. SLM will provide a fully qualified first aider on site for the duration of the booking, however during the booking process, first aid provision will be discussed with the hirer to see if additional cover is required. Please note SLM may ask the hirer to provide this additional first aid cover, dependant on the type of event and potential numbers of spectators and participants.
k. All hirers will receive a copy of the centre’s normal operating procedures, emergency action plan and told about any other relevant information, including the maximum number of people allowed to use the part of the facility being hired.
l. The hirer shall comply with all health and safety regulations of the council and Everyone Active.
8. Restrictions and prohibitions
a. No banners, leaflets or posters shall be placed within the boundaries of the venue without prior written approval from management.
b. We reserve the right to request that any person leaves an event if that person’s conduct is unacceptable (in the event manager’s reasonable opinion). No refund of fees or any other costs will be made
in these circumstances.
c. The hirer shall keep all noise at a level which is acceptable as deemed by the events manager and will reduce noise levels immediately if asked to do so by the events manager.
d. If the events manager is of the opinion that the hirer is not making suitable use of the facilities, SLM reserves the right to re-allocate any unused parts.
e. The conditions of the venue’s premises licence as advised to hirers separately shall apply and be abided by in respect of any unaccompanied children.
f. No hirer is permitted to:
i. Give away live animals as prizes.
ii. Give exhibitions, demonstrations or performances of hypnotism on
our premises.
iii. Use our facilities for gaming or wagering other than lawful gaming
carried out in line with the Gaming Act 1968.
iiii. Sell, supply or permit any other person to sell or supply goods of
any kind.
g. Except with prior written consent from SLM, the following substances and devices may not be brought on site:
• Crockery and glass
• Pets (except assistance dogs)
• Food, drink or retail items
• Electrical power equipment
• Dry ice or cryogenic fog
• Smoke machines and fog generators
• Pyrotechnics, including fireworks, confetti cannons and sparklers
• Firearms
• Lasers
• Explosives and hazardous substances
• Open flame
• Strobe lighting
h. The hirer agrees that if for any cause licences are renewed, suspended or determined (whether in whole or part) no claim upon SLM for compensation in respect of any loss or damage sustained by reason of the non-renewal, suspension, determination of the licence or of any suspension or determination of the event may be made.
i. The installation of any staging, lighting or sound equipment must be approved by SLM prior to the event and be undertaken by a professional company with the appropriate insurances with no onerous exclusions with regards to damage to property and public liability. All industry standard safety guidelines must be adhered to and the hirer must route sound generating equipment through sound limiting devices in place at venues (if applicable). Breach to this clause may result in part or all of hirers deposits being taken.
j. Other than pre-booked “animal related events” such as dog shows, no dogs or any other animals are permitted access to venues, except for disability assistance dogs.
k. No gambling is permitted on-site without the prior written permission from the venues management.
l. The hirer shall not assign or sub-let the right to use facilities and must only use the facility for the agreed purpose.
9. Safeguarding
a. Organisations hiring facilities to provide activities which are regulated through the provision of teaching, training, instruction, care for or supervision of children or adult at risk must provide Everyone Active with details of:
i. Club or organisation safeguarding policy
ii. Name of club or organisation safeguarding officer
iii. Evidence of Disclosure and Barring Service checks completed for all
iv. Coaches and instructors
10. External noise pollution
a. In the event of any complaints caused by event attendee misconduct or noise directly outside the venue, the hirer’s security deposit will be forfeit and the local authority notified.
11. Catering
a. The provision of all food and refreshments will be the Company’s nominated caterer in all buildings.
b. If SLM is catering your event we require final numbers at least two week in advance. Catering is not guaranteed if this information is not provided on time.
c. If SLM permits hirer to arrange their own catering (varies per site) the following conditions apply:
• All catering must be provided by a professional catering firm registered with the relevant local authority pertaining to the location of the registered office of the catering firm
• Catering firms are accepted at SLMs discretion and upon receipt of the required documentation, including registration with the local authority, HACCP documents, references and appropriate insurance cover (public liability, accidental damage / negligence and professional indemnity cover of a minimum of £5million)
• Caterers must complete and submit a risk assessment at least 8 weeks prior to the event
• If the hirer has arranged the catering then the hirer is responsible for ensuring that the caterer removes all cooking oils from the venue in sealed containers. Failure to do so may result in a deduction from the deposit.
• In exceptional circumstances SLM will permit the re-heating and serving of the hirers own food using the venue’s kitchen facilities. In this instance insurance cover is required for damage to appliances, equipment and food hygiene issues such as allegations or instances of food poisoning. Kitchen equipment and appliances must be cleaned and returned to the professional standard in which they were provided using appropriate and approved cleaning products. Alternatively SLM can clean the kitchen on the hirer’s behalf for an additional cost.
• Deep fat fryers are not permitted
12. Alcohol
a. The hirer is not permitted to arrange for, or permit, the sale or consumption of alcohol at the premises without prior written permission from the event manager.
b. All drinks not finished by the event end time will be removed. Any person who tries to bring food and / or alcohol from outside the premises without prior written permission will be removed from the event and refused re-entry.
c. If SLM allows hirers to provide their own alcohol then the hirer is responsible for providing all staff with the appropriate licences to serve the alcohol.
d. The hirer shall ensure that all conditions of the venue’s alcohol licence (as advised) are adhered to. SLM reserve the right to refuse entry or service to whomever they decide in accordance with licensing laws. The Manager will or may stop the sale or supply of intoxicating beverages and close bars at any time if any persons if behaving in an unruly or disorderly manner.
e. The hirer shall not, without prior written permission, give a temporary event notice in respect of any event at the centre.
13. Deliveries and collections
a. Should the hirer wish to have any equipment or goods delivered to the venue in relation to the event, this must be prearranged with SLM colleagues. In which instance unloading, installing and storing of goods responsibility remains entirely with the hirer, including liability for loss, damage and theft.
b. All goods must be stored in accordance with the instructions and in the location specified by the SLM colleague.
14. Feedback and Complaints
a. We strive to provide an enjoyable and high-quality experience for those attending events at our venues. We welcome your feedback and as such at the end of each event we will provide an evaluation form, which will offer you the opportunity to provide feedback. If you wish to speak to someone regarding the level of service on the day, please talk to the events manager or duty manager.
15. Personal Information
a. SLM is a data controller under the Data Protection Act. We will use the information you have provided to process your booking; for the purposes of contacting you with information relation to Everyone Events; and to conduct analysis for the purposes of providing future events. We
may get information about you from others and / or give information to others as the law permits:
i. Check accuracy of information
ii. Prevent or detect crime
iii. Protect public funds
b. We may check information we receive about you with what is already in our records, including information provided by you and others such as government departments and agencies. We will not give information about you to anyone outside the organisation unless the law permits us to do so.
c. Filming and photography may take place at events. The hirer consents to such content being used in or on any medium – including advertising and marketing materials – without any payment or prior consent.
d. The hirer acknowledges that events may be recorded on CCTV and such recording may available to police, the owner of the facilities or any other relevant party.
e. For details of how Everyone Active/SLM uses the personal information you provide, please see our Privacy Policy.
16. Our liability to you
a. SLM accepts no responsibility for the loss of, or damage to, property or injury, illness or death on its premises unless caused by its own negligence.
b. SLMs total liability to you is limited to the fees you have actually paid for the relevant event and we shall not be liable for any loss ofenjoyment or wasted expenditure. Personal arrangements including travel, accommodation or hospitality relating to an event which have been
arranged by you are at your own risk.
c. SLM cannot be held responsible if you do not receive event information, unless such non-receipt is caused by our negligence.
d. SLM will not accept responsibility for or be liable for any loss, theft or damage to any equipment which the hirer may bring into the venue.
17. General
a. These terms and conditions are a contract between you and us. No other person shall have any right to enforce any of the terms.
b. We may revise our terms and conditions from time to time and the hirer is deemed to have accepted such variations without refund of the event fee.
c. For example to reflect changes in relevant laws or regulatory requirements or improvements we make to SLM events and related services.
d. Facilities, services, equipment and deadlines at each venue vary. You must check with the events manager for details before making a booking. It may be possible for us to arrange additional equipment, furniture, etc. Notice of the required equipment, facilities and services must be requested at the time of the booking. Availability cannot be guaranteed for later bookings. Additional charges for extra equipment, services and facilities may apply.
e. Where necessary the hirers shall receive training from SLM regarding the use of certain equipment, such as dumbwaiters. The hirer is responsible for contacting SLM to organise such training prior to the event. Failure to do so may result in SLM refusing to allow the hirer to use
such equipment during the event with no refund of the event fee.
f. These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England. Disputes arising here from shall be exclusively subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and your use of the site confirms your agreement to this jurisdiction. Any cause of action you may
have with respect to your use of this site must be commenced within one (1) year after the claim or cause of action arises.
g. If any of these Terms of Use is determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable by reason of the law of any state or country in which these Terms of Use are intended to be effective, then to the extent to which that
h. Term and Condition is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, it shall be severed and deleted from that clause and the remaining.
Document last reviewed: 3rd February 2025